The Kingdom of Belgium is a federal state in Western Europe. Its size is about 30.500sqkm and it has about 10million inhabitants which makes it densely populated. Official languages are Dutch, French and German, the currency is the Euro. Belgium is often called the crossroads of Wetern Europe: Especially the capital Brussels is very international and hosts the headquarteres of the EU, NATO and several other international organizations and a multitude of international companies. The city of Antwerp hosts many port-related businesses as well as over 1500 international diamond firms, have a particular tradition of welcoming a high proportion of foreign nationals in key positions, a fact which is reflected in their cultural and social life. You can find more information here.
Main Advantages
- Comparably easy path to resident status or eventually citizenship status for Non-EU citizens.
- No Dual Citizenship restriction
- Visa-free Travel in the EU and Schengen Zone
- Comprehensive tax treaty network
- No minimum stay required (recommended to stay at least 183days/year)
- Comparably favorable tax regime for some clients
- Income Tax: between 25% and 50% on worldwide income (exceptions below; local surcharges can apply)
- Capital Gain Tax: None (except oroperty transactions or transfer of shareholding)
- Maximum Tax on dividends: 15%-25%
- Gift tax: 0-3%
- Inheritance tax: 0% possible with planning
- Wealth / Net Worth Tax: None
- Belgium is one of the best jurisdictions worldwide for holding and finance companies due to special tax incentives and the possibility of obtaining advance tax rulings
Cost of Living
- The standard of living in Belgium is relatively high. However with the exception of Brussels and surroundings prices for accomodation are modest. The annual rent for a 1BR appartment in Brussels can be 12.000USD, purchase prices start at about 350000USD. Check more details here.
- Case by case approval needed
- Ties to Belgium must be shown by the applicant. The establishment of a company is a good way of forming business ties with Belium (Holding company or financing company possible)
- An investment of about 100.000€ (130.000USD) is helpful. Also the applicant should be able to dispose about 450.000€ (600.000USD)