In 2014 LN 47 has introduced a additional naturalization process to the Laws of Malta. The "Individual Investor Programme" (the “Acquisition of Citizenship by Investment ”) grants naturalisation (i.e. citizenship) by investment to reputable foreign individuals and their dependents. The programme only allows for a limited numbers of 1800 citizenships in total. The process for a citizenship takes approximately 2 years.
Main Advantages
- Besides profitting from a favourable tax regime, easy entry into all Schengen countries and many more is of interest for most applicants. Please read our Malta residence site for more information
- Spouse, children (under 26 if not married) and parents (over 55) can apply for passport as well, they only need to pay a small administration fee and need to be maintained by the applicant.
The individual is required to make a contribution to the economic development of Malta by the payment of a non-refundable contribution to the Malta National Development & Social Fund/Consolidated Fund of € 650,000; and the individual is required, within four months of issuance of a Letter of Approval in Principle, to provide evidence that:
- The main applicant and dependents are covered by a global health insurance polic
- The main applicant acquires and holds immovable residential property situated in Malta having a minimum value of €350,000 or leases immovable residential property in Malta for a minimum annual rent of €16,000 ( (property purchased or leased must be retained for at least five years from date of purchase/lease
- The main applicant has made such other investments in Malta to an amount of €150,000 amongst others in stocks, bonds, debentures, special purpose vehicles, or other investment vehicles as may be identified by the competent authority; and
- The main applicant has been a resident of Malta for a period of at least 12 months preceding the day of the issuing of the certificate of naturalisation.
- Other requirements include a proper background verification which means proof of a clean criminal record, health record, no Visa ban from countries with which Malta has an agreement. Please contact us for a comprehensive list.
Application Process
Every application shall be presented to and examined by the competent authority. The Competent Authorities in Malta shall undertake due diligence checks (four tier) in respect of both the applicant and dependents.
- After 90 days after handing in the application:
- Application forms checked.
- Preminilary due diligence process concluded.
- Due diligence fees + passport fees + non-refundable payment of €10,000 remitted.
- Source of funds verified.
- After at least 120 days after handing in the application:
- Review and assessment by Identity Malta and issuance of a Letter of Approval in Principle.
- After 125 days - 140 days after handing in the application:
- Payment of Contribution (less non-refundable payment of €10,000) (purchase/lease of immovable property and other investments required to be made within four months from the issuance of the Letter of Approval in Principle).
- After 183 days up to 2 years:
- Issuance of certificate of naturalisation, subject to the applicant having been resident in Malta for 12 months and having taken oath of allegiance.
- Prinz von Preussen charges a consultancy fee for guiding applicants through the entire process
- Non refundable due diligence fees of 7500€ for the applicant; 5000€ for the spouse; 3000€ for children under 18; 5000€ for children under 26 and dependent parents over 55 are charged by the maltese authorities
- Non refundable bank fees of approx. 200€
- Passport fees of 500€/passport (refundable in case citizenship is not granted
Updated June 30th 2014