The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is a parliamentary constitutional democracy and features the world`s sixth largest economy (nominal GDP) and it has about 63 million inhabitants. It was the cradle of modern industrialization and retains considerable economic, cultural, miliatry and political influence internationally. The UK is a signatory of numerous treaties and is member of the EU (though not Schengen), Nato and a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council. The capital London is a one of the largest financial and economic hubs of the world (alongside New York); a tourist destination and cultural metropolitan.,The nations currency the Pount Sterling is one of th worlds largest reserve currencies. Pleae find more information here.
Main Advantages
- Very favourable tax system for foreign residents
- Competitive tax rates
- London is one of the most important cultural, economic and financial hubs in the world
- Good infrastructure, reputable democracy, rule of law, educational system
- Dual Citizenship possible
- Visa free travel with UK passport (after 5 years of residence)
- Careful tax planning in advance allows foreigners to legally avoid most direct taxation of foreign sourced income.
Cost of Living
- Cost of living is comparably high, especially in London. Rents for a 1BR appartment in London can easily exceed 1400GBP/2100USD/month, purchase prices start at around 600.00GBP/900.000USD. For appartments in prestigous areas significantly higher prices can be expected. You can find more information here.
- Non-EU/EFTA citizens can apply for a permanent UK residence thouth the Tier1 system. There are four different categories: Investor. General, Entrepreneur and Post-study Work. The first three categories require the applicant to work in the UK and proove sufficient English language skills. The Investor category has different requirements:
- Investor must have money of his own under his control in the UK amounting to no less than £1,000,000; or Investor owns personal assets which, taking into account any liabilities to which he is subject, have a value exceeding £2,000,000 (i.e. personal net worth) and has money under his control in the UK amounting to no less than £1,000,000, which may include money loaned to him provided that it was loaned by a financial institution regulated by the Financial Services Authority;
- Investor intends to invest for 5 years not less than £750,000 of his capital in the UK by way of UK Government bonds, share capital or loan capital in active and trading UK registered companies (other than those principally engaged in property investment and excluding investment by the applicant by way of deposits with a bank, building society or other enterprise whose normal course of business includes the acceptance of deposits)
- Invested capital can be inherited or acquired in another legal way
- Resident must stay more time in the UK as his main home than in any other country.
Citizenship is possible after only 5 years of residence. There are relatively strict requirements on physical presence that need to be considered.